Here at Scaramanga we take particular interest in one of the more obscure and unusual holidays that you won't find listed in your average pocket diary... International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
September 19th has been recognised as Talk Like A Pirate Day by more and more people over the years since it began in 1996 with two men - John Baur (Ol'Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap'n Slappy) - who jokingly proclaimed it should be the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate.
Since then, it seems to have cottoned on across the world - and as one of the UK's leading suppliers of old wooden chests, trunks and boxes (many of which definitely have the pirate-style!) what better excuse do we need to take part in the fun and start talking like pirates for the day?!
So, between Thursday 16th and Sunday 19th September, we're giving away a free leather journal with every order, and a free old brass padlock with every wooden box or chest order... all you have to do is leave us a message requesting your free padlock/journal in pirate speak in the customer comments section of your online order, or even better, call us and place your order on the phone in pirate speak!
For more details and tips on perfecting your pirate speak, see the 'News & Events' section of our website.